Static websites

Static websites consist of fixed content, which can consist of single and multiple pages. Its contents are defined directly into HTML and JavaScript. Users cannot update static websites easily without having prior knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Static websites are mostly used for the purpose of online presence of personal and business information.

Static websites do not offer as many functionalities and user interactivity as dynamic websites do. Unlike dynamic websites, static websites are faster to load. It doesn’t require any query request from database queries or any server-side programming scripts for processing.

Here are a few key points about static websites.

User Interaction: Users can only interact with a few elements included in static websites, such as page links, contact forms, email links, and phone numbers.

Maintenance and Costs: Just like any other website and web application static websites also have upfront costs for designing and development, but the overall cost of building and maintaining a static website is lower than other dynamic websites and applications.

Search Engines Crawling and Visibility: Search engines can crawl static websites normally, which can greatly increase the
online presence of a business. Search engines will crawl pages in static websites and make it available to people to find your business.